Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Projects Accessible to Everybody

We have now released an option to create a Public Project. This will be helpful if:

  1. Software is being publicly built which requires public feedback.
  2. Projects that need to invite their users to provide feedback/raise bugs.

With Public Projects you can now have the following options:

  • Create new public projects.
  • Can convert existing private projects to public.
  • Get a public URL from the project card on hover and share it with a guest user.
  • Admins can set the issues to private/public within public projects.
  • We will now have a simplified URL, to make public projects available and shareable.
  • Guest users can view issues, add issues and add comments using the shared Public URL.
  • Guest users will also be able to view Report Coverage, Dashboard, and Sprint List.
  • The Project Setting can be changed at any point from the settings.
  • Private Comments can also be added under Public Projects by the Owner and Team Members.
  • Guest users need to Sign Up to the platform to be able to comment and add Issues to the Public Projects.

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