Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Private Projects – For you and your Team

You can now create Private Projects that would be exclusive just for you and the team, it will be helpful when

  1. The projects being worked on are confidential and the access for the same is only for those who are invited to the particular team.
  2. These projects can only be viewed after the user accepts the team invitation.

With Private Projects you can now have the following options:

  • All team members can view, create, edit issues.
  • All team members can view, add, edit and delete comments.
  • The Owners and Admin have the option to convert a public project into private at any time.
  • The Admin and owners have the option to configure this under the Settings.
Android App, Features

International Payment Gateway Support with Stripe

We have our valued International Users who have used and liked Bugasura but have been unable to pay with their credit cards via the current payment gateway. As a result, we’ve integrated the Stripe Gateway, which helps

  1. Our Indian and International customers make payments and use our product without interruption.
  2. To set up recurring payments easily.
  3. You to easily subscribe to our platform with a credit card.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Nudges – To Guide you to the right choices!

We will now be triggering nudges when the user lands on our platform based on their previous behavior. This is helpful as

  1. You will be informed about the functionality we’re developing.
  2. Gentle reminders on plan expiry and details on our pricing plans.
  3. It allows us to tailor the posts by using data from the number of days since you first signed up for our product and guiding you through the next steps.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Weekly Pending Tasks Summary

You will now be receiving an email that summarises the number of open issues under your name for the entire week. Bugasura will help you by giving an insight into the issues that need to be picked by you in order to bring them to closure. With this mail, you will be informed about the issue assigned to you across multiple teams and projects. This mail will be sent every Monday morning helping you schedule the work over the entire week. You can click on the “View” button to be re-directed to the issue and work on it or to click on “View All Now”, which would take you to the “My Dashboard” with all the issues assigned to you across teams and projects.

Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Extend Your Trial

You will be able to extend the trial for 10 more days using this option, with which you can explore our product more efficiently. This will be shown to you after the 14-day trial post Sign Up you can either subscribe to one of our plans or extend the trial and use our product seamlessly for the next 10 days

Bug Fixes, Bug Tracker Platform

Bug Fixes | April 2021

1. Initially invited user was unable to add an issue on being invited to a team, now we have resolved it and issues can be added by all team members.
2. We have enhanced the whole user experience for the Mobile view of Wizard, users will now be able to create teams, add issues and invite members to the team seamlessly even in Mobile View.

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