
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

Advanced Filters

With the help of advanced filters, you will now be able to filter the issues based on Created Date, Issue ID, Network and other fields.

Here are few things you could do

  • Filter out issues based on conditions provided.
  • Pin-point to issues with the help of search queries.
  • Filter based on Private or Public issues.
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements


We have also made a few major improvements to the platform 

Here is the list of things you could do

  • Help banners have been added to provide you with more information about how a certain feature is useful to you.
  • Check on more than one filter and fetch the results, in turn reducing the number of clicks.
  • Filter out issues based on New, In progress and Closed status by clicking on the Status Label Counts on Issues List page.
  • The Try Now banners on the left nav will now open as a pop-up rather than navigating to a new page, allowing you to make changes in the pop-up, close it, and return to the previous page to continue.
  • Deallocate/Unassign the member to whom issue is assigned on the detailed issue pop-up instead of opening the assignee issue list.
  • View the team members list on issues page.
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

We are now 6x faster!

The performance has drastically improved. Initially, issues including chaining of critical requests, long main thread tasks, and page load time impacted the overall performance of the product, however, all of these issues have now been resolved and the GTMetrix Grade has been raised from F to C (haha! Not that much but hang in there we are working on it 😛).

Some cool changes are

  • Page Load time dropped from 27.6 to 3.2 seconds🔽.
  • Images on the issue list page have been compressed to load them faster.
  • Largest Content Element count dropped from 14.3 to 1.3 seconds🔽.
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

Improvements in March 2021

Enhancements in Jira​

You are now given a choice on the type of attachments to be uploaded to Jira. With this improvement, you can either upload just the issue screenshot, flow screenshots, or even in the form of a gif.

Subscription Plans for Teams​

Subscription is now team-based which makes team management much easier. When the owner of the team subscribes to the plan, all the team members would be able to access the features and use our product seamlessly.

Design changes in System Details Field​

You can now easily add the device/system details in the Issue pop-up with all the fields aligned horizontally in a single line improving user experience.

Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

Improvements in February 2021 | 2nd Release

Simpler Issue Editor​

The overall UI and UX are improved in add issue pop making it easier for you to add and edit an issue.​

Add Your Comments via Emails​

You will still be able to add comments to issues even if you are not part of a team after the team owner approves of your comment. Similarly, when you are the owner, you will receive comments from other users with an option to either approve or reject. This makes communication exclusive and easy.​

Welcome Banner​

A welcome banner is shown on the new Sign up to the platform.​

Bread Crumbs for Easy Navigation​

You can now easily navigate to the previous pages via the breadcrumb as the page names are added in hyperlinks.​

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