Bug Tracker Platform

Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Helping you get started!

Demo Projects with real-time issues have been added to assist you to understand how easy it is to create issues and track them to completion using our product.

We’ve also created a public project that you can access at any time on the platform to report issues, raise concerns, and receive updates on issues you’ve created, resulting in open and transparent communication between you and us.

Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Log Bugs via Email

You can now add bugs into your report by sending out a mail to unique IDs that we have for all Sprints. Reporting bugs is now made much simpler and easier with this. You will be able to add a summary, descriptions and attachments via email which would be reflected in our tracker. Please click on the link to learn more about how you could do this.

Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

Advanced Filters

With the help of advanced filters, you will now be able to filter the issues based on Created Date, Issue ID, Network and other fields.

Here are few things you could do

  • Filter out issues based on conditions provided.
  • Pin-point to issues with the help of search queries.
  • Filter based on Private or Public issues.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

User Profile

You can now edit your profile picture, name and change passwords using the User Profile.

Here are few things you could do

  • User profile can be accessed by clicking on your name and ID on the right top corner.
  • Choose an avatar or your favorite image as your profile picture.
  • Set a new password.
  • Edit your first and last name.
  • Find details about the plan you are in.
  • Insights on number of projects and teams you are part of.
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements


We have also made a few major improvements to the platform 

Here is the list of things you could do

  • Help banners have been added to provide you with more information about how a certain feature is useful to you.
  • Check on more than one filter and fetch the results, in turn reducing the number of clicks.
  • Filter out issues based on New, In progress and Closed status by clicking on the Status Label Counts on Issues List page.
  • The Try Now banners on the left nav will now open as a pop-up rather than navigating to a new page, allowing you to make changes in the pop-up, close it, and return to the previous page to continue.
  • Deallocate/Unassign the member to whom issue is assigned on the detailed issue pop-up instead of opening the assignee issue list.
  • View the team members list on issues page.
Bug Tracker Platform, Improvements

We are now 6x faster!

The performance has drastically improved. Initially, issues including chaining of critical requests, long main thread tasks, and page load time impacted the overall performance of the product, however, all of these issues have now been resolved and the GTMetrix Grade has been raised from F to C (haha! Not that much but hang in there we are working on it 😛).

Some cool changes are

  • Page Load time dropped from 27.6 to 3.2 seconds🔽.
  • Images on the issue list page have been compressed to load them faster.
  • Largest Content Element count dropped from 14.3 to 1.3 seconds🔽.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Fully Revamped Issue List Page Design

With the new release, we have a simpler view of the Issues List. This will be helpful as you can focus more on Sorting, Assigning, Syncing Issues to Jira and much more.

Want to know what’s new in the Issues List

  • View all issues on the Issues List Page without navigating through the sprint view on exceeding 200 issues.
  • While creating a new issue, you will have the option of making it private or public.
  • Experience change in Profile Details.
  • You will now be able to view the created date with the creator’s name and the latest updated time.
  • Distinguish between issues that have been read and unread.
  • Delete multiple Issues in one go.
  • Filter with 2 new options namely the Created Date and Issue ID.
  • The order of the Assignee filter is now re-arranged making it simple for you to filter by your name.
  • Instead of viewing only the first two tags for an issue, now you can view all the issue tags added.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Projects Accessible to Everybody

We have now released an option to create a Public Project. This will be helpful if:

  1. Software is being publicly built which requires public feedback.
  2. Projects that need to invite their users to provide feedback/raise bugs.

With Public Projects you can now have the following options:

  • Create new public projects.
  • Can convert existing private projects to public.
  • Get a public URL from the project card on hover and share it with a guest user.
  • Admins can set the issues to private/public within public projects.
  • We will now have a simplified URL, to make public projects available and shareable.
  • Guest users can view issues, add issues and add comments using the shared Public URL.
  • Guest users will also be able to view Report Coverage, Dashboard, and Sprint List.
  • The Project Setting can be changed at any point from the settings.
  • Private Comments can also be added under Public Projects by the Owner and Team Members.
  • Guest users need to Sign Up to the platform to be able to comment and add Issues to the Public Projects.
Bug Tracker Platform, Features

Private Projects – For you and your Team

You can now create Private Projects that would be exclusive just for you and the team, it will be helpful when

  1. The projects being worked on are confidential and the access for the same is only for those who are invited to the particular team.
  2. These projects can only be viewed after the user accepts the team invitation.

With Private Projects you can now have the following options:

  • All team members can view, create, edit issues.
  • All team members can view, add, edit and delete comments.
  • The Owners and Admin have the option to convert a public project into private at any time.
  • The Admin and owners have the option to configure this under the Settings.
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